Your Dreambuilder Child Story
If you are not yet receiving our monthly child photos and stories, here is a little taste of what you are missing out on. When you make a regular monthly donation by clicking recurring gift on our giving page, the funds will automatically be deducted from your account each month.
You can choose whether to receive a child story and photo by email or by mail. You will also receive a thank you message from Marc. Here is a story that we sent to all of our givers earlier this year…
Carlos Eduardo is 10 years old and in the 5th grade at CBC. He lives with his mother, grandmother, aunts, and cousins in a small home. The household is dependent on his grandmother’s small pension and the infrequent income of his mother and aunt. They have both been unable to find permanent work for some time, and earn occasional pay as part time maids.
Carlos Eduardo says he wants to be a teacher or a gardener. He loves plants. At CBC he enjoys dance classes and is fascinated by the Bible stories that his teacher tells at the beginning of each day.
We are privileged to have Carlos as a student at CBC. He is well behaved and grateful for all that he receives. We have high hopes for him and pray that he will continue to thrive and work towards his dreams.