Your Opinion Matters

We value your feedback and suggestions and want to use your experiences to inspire others to partner with us. Your opinion matters to us. We always want to know if there is anything we can do our end to make our communications and results sharing even better for you.

Philippians 2:3–4 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We invite you to answer 6 questions that will help us steward and grow the ministry. We are looking for more Dreambuilders and sharing your opinion with us will help us to better find them.

Dreambuild stories are the best way to encounter the joys, hopes and dreams of our students. When you see a beautiful photo and read about the challenges these children face, we want you to feel that you are embracing them with God’s love through your gift.

To date we have 23 new Dreambuilders, our goal is 100.

Can you introduce someone you know to Dreambuilders this month? 

How does your opinion help with dreambuilders?

A Dreambuilder is a financial partner who provides the means for CBC to support the children in the slum community. As a monthly or annual donor, your financial support goes toward supporting CBC and all the children we serve. Our supporters are the best way we can spread the news about the mission in Brazil.

It costs CBC approximately $40 per month ($120 quarterly and $480 annually) to support one child. We understand that everyone has different abilities to give and thus recognize each financial partner as a Dreambuilder partner, no matter what amount is given. All financial support helps build hope and opportunity for our children.

As a Dreambuilder, we will send you our gratitude in a thank you letter with a child story, full color photo, and video each month. Each Dreambuilder story will star a different CBC child. This way you can get to know all the children in our program. We hope that through each story, you can learn about and connect to our children and reflect on how your financial support impacts each child. 

We hope that you will share your experience with those that you are connected with to help us reach our Dreambuilder 100 goal. And we hope that you will share your opinion to help us reach the next generation.

Click here to learn more!

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