Father’s Day in Brazil
It is Father’s Day In Brazil. We’ve been painting ceramic tiles to help us talk about our relationships with our Fathers and thank them for all they do for us.
It is Father’s Day In Brazil. We’ve been painting ceramic tiles to help us talk about our relationships with our Fathers and thank them for all they do for us.
Quality education and training for children living in poverty in the slums of Brazil. Donate Online Check Gifts: Payable to The Channel Inc. Text…
This has been in our sights for a long time but COVID has confirmed our need for this outdoor space….
Quality education and training for children living in poverty in the slums of Brazil. Donate Online Check Gifts: Payable to The Channel Inc. Text…
Become a DREAM-BUILDER As a monthly giver, you can build the dreams of children by providing daily care. Use our online…
April updates from Brazil are now available!! Learn all that is happening in Brazil monthly and become a DREAMBUILDER with…
Look at these figures and remember we are only half way through Brazil’s academic year. Thanks to your monthly support,…