Celebrating Freedom

Whatever your plans this summer, you might find yourself celebrating a moment of freedom. An early morning coffee on the porch, a deep breath of satisfaction as you cool down in a pool, or a delightful sunset over the water. These are all treasured moments partly because we work hard for them. We plan and anticipate family vacations and precious time together.

In the slums a hand to mouth existence does not allow these privileges. Moments of joy and celebration tend to be more spontaneous and opportunistic. People do not plan family vacations or even days out because they do not have the means to do so.

The special events we plan at CBC have become really important to our parents because they facilitate these moments. Freedom from worry, anxiety, and fear. Within the walls of the project families can enjoy moments of safety, provision and relaxation.

As you celebrate freedom this month, please keep our families in your prayers, asking the Lord to provide opportunity, wisdom, rest, health, and strength to our parents. Most of all pray that they find the freedom of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galations 5:1

Happy 4th July!!

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