Responding To The Rain
We often talk about the impact of the rains on the health and safety of children in slum communities. Diseases like Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya impact our children and staff every year. Sadly, we see none of the basic improvements in sanitation and drainage that would help combat these diseases in the streets and alleyways around us.
Last month we had a lot of flooding at CBC which is happening because of construction around our walls. There are no city drains to take the water away.
You can see in the video above how this water overwhelmed us, but we have good news. God is faithful and CBC friends stood with us. Within just a few days of this crisis, we were even more overwhelmed with the help of some caring partners who have committed to help us.
We are so grateful for your friendship, faithfulness, and care. Thanks to you, we can focus on keeping our children learning. Our students keep coming each day even in the rain.