Celebrating Mothers

Our annual mothers day celebration here at CBC means so much to us. The mothers of our students are warriors! These mom’s are raising children under challenging and sometimes impossible conditions. Abandoned by their partners, with limited education and opportunity, these mothers work tirelessly to provide for their children in the best way that they can.

Mothers day is our opportunity to celebrate and bless these women. We want to share the Gospel and encourage them. Our staff work with the students to help them understand the love and sacrifice their moms make daily to care for them.

This year we held our celebration in the evening for the first time. Expectations were running high. Here is what some of our staff had to say in anticipation of the event later that evening…

Quotes about mothers day event:

“My hope is that people will be saved and that this will impact every home.” Herberth, our Theater Teacher

Janiarla, Teacher 8th&9th grade, “My expectation is that it will be a powerful time of worship and unity for mothers and their children. And that the children will be able to communicate the feelings they have in their hearts toward their mothers.”

Talison, Teacher 5th grade, “My hope is that the mothers will know the love, thoughtfulness and care that was put into this celebration.

Tayanne, Teacher 4th grade, “I pray we will leave here radiant with happiness.”

Neta, Teacher 7th grade, “I have lots of emotion! Mixed feelings of love and joy, and as a mother myself, I imagine its going to be beautiful and amazing to see my son on the stage!”

In conclusion:

I want to tell you something, people can trample on us, hurt us, put us to one side, abandon us, mislead us, upset us or make us feel worthless. We know this, no one, has the power to take away your value. Thank you, beautiful moms, who give so much for your children! Praise be to God for the opportunity to show our gratitude and love for these mothers!

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