Your Words


In today’s world everyone asks for reviews and feedback so we are especially grateful for your encouraging words.

Stocks and bonds can lose your money but investing in changing lives always results in a positive return.” Deb Schooley

You will be making an eternal difference in the lives of these children.” Steve Kalsbeck

Don’t wait, the need is too great and life is too short to not help others every chance we get.” Pastor Fred Michaux

Thank you for responding to our Dreambuilder survey. We are glad that you find our newsletters informative and encouraging. Most importantly we want you to see RESULTS!

Please don’t forget that if you sign up for our emails, you will also get videos in your newsletter and thank you letters. Just fill in the form on our homepage

Your prayers and kind words make a difference. Each child who has experienced the love and care provided for them at CBC has had their life changed for the better. When they accept Christ their life is changed for eternity! Your investment counts – THANK YOU

It’s not too late to use your words

If you didn’t yet have a chance to pass on your thoughts and feedback, we hope you will take the time to do so…

We value your feedback and suggestions and want to use your experiences to inspire others to partner with us. Your opinion matters to us. We always want to know if there is anything we can do our end to make our communications and results sharing even better for you.

Philippians 2:3–4 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We invite you to answer 6 questions that will help us steward and grow the ministry. We are looking for more Dreambuilders and sharing your opinion with us will help us to better find them.


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