Our Team
Our team, in Brazil and in the United States, is united in accomplishing the mission and vision of CBC.
Marcondes (Marc) Marques
Ruth Marques
Celeste Agett
Casie Harrington
Casie has been a part of the CBC family her whole life and has visited CBC twice. In 2007, she celebrated her eighth birthday in Brazil with her family, and then returned with a church mission team in 2009. In May 2021, Casie graduated from Northern Michigan University with a bachelors degree in Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management and started her career working as a wilderness therapy field instructor in northern Georgia. At this time she volunteered with CBC by managing social media marketing. In August 2023, Casie returned to CBC for a third time and then stepped into the role of Marketing and Media Manager.
Our team in Brazil
Our team of teacher in Brazil is full of the joy of the Lord and dedicated to sharing the love of Christ with our children. Each of them comes from a different background and brings unique experiences and knowledge. With this variety of personalities and knowledge, new ideas are continually being developed to help us reach the children where they need us!
Please pray for our teachers and their families. For their health and safety so they can be consistent role models for the children we serve! Support our team and the mission of CBC!